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Many children and teens with autism spectrum and other social communication disorders have social problems, such as difficulties making friends and having two-sided interactive conversations. Excella Developmental Services covers important practical issues involved in helping groups of children learn new skills and techniques for peer interaction.

group of students We use research-proven methodologies to teach age appropriate relating skill and competencies, including social communication, problem-solving, decision making, self-management, and peer relations. Social skills training occur both in the home and community. For example, a behavior therapist may use a structured approach to explain to the child how to enact the desired behavior by providing examples and reinforcing targeted behaviors through questions, answers, and other feedback. An example of a more nuanced approach (often referred to as “incidental teaching”) is when therapist respond to child-generated utterances, interactions, and behavior to encourage the desired social skills (such as rewarding positive play).

Got questions? We are available to answer your inquiries. Simply call us at 916-550-9628 for assistance.